Do you want to change your visit date or time slot? This can easily be done in our webshop or through the link in your booking confirmation. Below you will find an extensive step-by-step plan. We do charge a surcharge of € 2.75 per entrance ticket.
Click on the link. You're now in our ticketshop. Fill in the email adress of your booking and your order id.
Go to the date change moduleChoose your new date and time. Every ticket in your reservation will be changed to this date and time.
Finish by clicking 'Reserve / order'. Your booking is changed and you'll revceive an email confirmation including new tickets. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change or move booked lessons online. If you want to move a booked ski or snowboard lesson, you can fill in the form on the contact page of the venue of your booking. Choose the subject “I have booked a lesson and want to move it”, fill in your details and our ski school will contact you as soon as possible.